About Mike Reinold | Information And Courses

Mike Reinold

Who Is Mike Reinold

Mike Reinold
Mike Reinold

Mike Reinold, PT, DPT, SCS, ATC, CSCS, C-PS is considered a leader in the field of sports medicine, rehabilitation, and performance enhancement. As a physical therapist, athletic trainer, strength coach, and performance enhancement specialist, Mike specializes in all aspects of human and sport performance.

Mike Reinold is the founder and president of Champion Physical Therapy and Performance, an elite level performance facility that integrates physical therapy, fitness, and sports performance training just outside Boston in Waltham, MA. He is currently the Senior Medical Advisor for the Chicago White Sox.

He was previously as the Head Athletic Trainer and Physical Therapist of the Boston Red Sox Baseball Club, where he focused on keeping pitchers healthy and rehabilitating players back to peak performance. Prior to the Red Sox, Mike Reinold was the Facility Director of Champion Sports Medicine and the Coordinator of Rehabilitative Research & Clinical Education at the American Sports Medicine Institute in Birmingham, AL.

Mike received his BS in physical therapy from Northeastern University and his Doctorate in physical therapy from the Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions, both in Boston, MA. He is board certified clinical specialist in sports physical therapy by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties. He also graduated from the postprofessional sports physical therapy fellowship program of the American Sports Medicine Institute, in Birmingham, AL, under the direction of Kevin Wilk, PT, DPT, James Andrews, MD, and Glenn Fleisig, PhD.

In addition to his clinical work, he has made significant academic contributions in the form of laboratory research, biomechanical research, and clinical education, teaching thousands of individuals worldwide.

Mike has an educational website at MikeReinold.com where he shares his new research and clinical experience in articles several times a week.

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What Are The Best Courses of Paul Chek?

Rehabilitation of the Fitness Athlete

Functional Stability Training for Optimizing Movement

Functional Stability Training for the Core

Evaluation and Treatment of the Knee

Functional Stability Training for the Lower Body

Functional Stability Training for the Upper Body

Champion Performance Therapy and Training System

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