About Yogabody | Information And Courses

About Yogabody | Information And Courses

What Is Yogabody

YOGABODY is a yoga teacher owned and operated education company founded by Lucas Rockwood. We are a worldwide leader in professional yoga education and fitness practice programs. We also publish weekly episodes on our top-rated podcast, Age Less / Live More with Lucas Rockwood, (podcast)and educational fitness videos on our successful YouTube channel. At YOGABODY, we believe that practice is everything.

The YOGABODY Teachers College®

Founded in 2006, the YOGABODY Teachers College® is YOGABODY’s professional education school. It’s a “Top 5” training school with over 21K graduates in 41 countries. Our school is science-based, business-positive, and future focused. The success of YTC graduates speaks for itself. No gurus, no incense, no chakras, no Oms. We’ve taken the best of ancient yoga practice and combined it with modern science and technology to provide trainees with real career opportunities.

Core Values

  • Practice is everything. Your personal practice is your greatest asset.
  • Community matters. With a supportive group, anything is possible.
  • Be a student for life. Never stop learning, never stop growing.
  • Do what you love. And you’ll never work another day in your life.
  • Built it, own it. Create a career on your own terms.

About Lucas Rockwood

Lucas Rockwood
Lucas Rockwood

Lucas Rockwood is an internationally-renowned yoga trainer, TEDx Speaker, podcaster, writer, and entrepreneur. Lucas’ corporate training clients include Meta and Noom. His early yoga and meditation teachers include Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (deceased), Paul Dallaghan, Alex Medin, Gabriel Cousens MD, and SN Goenka (deceased). Lucas left the USA in 2003 and traveled and taught extensively before making Barcelona, Spain, his home base. In a previous life, he worked in theater, publishing, and as a plant-based chef and nutritional coach. He’s the father of three international kids and remains as passionate about yoga as when he first began practicing in 2002.

Lucas is the founder and Managing Director of YOGABODY® and The Yoga Teachers College®, host of Age Less / Live More (podcast), and author of Yoga Business Mastery: Earn a Great Living Doing What You Love.

About Camilo Carreiro (E-RYT 500)

Lucas Rockwood
Lucas Rockwood

Camilo Carreiro enrolled in his first yoga training course to deepen his practice, but he fell in love with teaching and made a quick career change. Camilo joined the Barcelona YOGABODY training team in 2015 and immediately became involved in the management of sequence development, course planning, and new teacher mentorship.

He has become a mentor and course leader to hundreds of trainees around the world. Camilo co-leads and teaches dozens of courses per year with The Yoga Teachers College®.

About Cris Acosta

Cris Acosta
Cris Acosta

Cris discovered yoga in 2015 while finishing the final year of her degree in architecture. After completing a 30-Day Challenge with YOGABODY, yoga soon became part of her day-to-day life and quickly grew into a passion.

In 2020 she graduated from the YOGABODY 200h Yoga Teacher Training course and later joined the YOGABODY team as a teacher. Today she feels very fortunate to have followed this path and to be part of a great team of professionals.

Meet The Team

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What Are The Best Courses of Yogabody?

21-Day Yoga Breathing Challenge

Science of Stretching Program

Gravity Yoga Flexibility Training System

21-Day Happy Back Challenge

21 Day Hip Opening Challenge

Gravity Yoga Video Series – Double Your Flexibility

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