Clean Health | Information and Courses

Clean Health

What is Clean Health?

Clean Health

Founded in 2008, Clean Health is the trusted source of results-based online fitness education for personal trainers worldwide. Providing government-accredited initial personal trainer qualifications and continuing education programs, they’ve certified over 60,000 fitness professionals in over 40 countries.

Clean Health offers online courses and live event workshops in nutrition, training and business and has exclusive partnerships with world-leading fitness industry experts and brands, like Layne Norton PhD, Sebastian Oreb, Pure Fitness, BFT, REVL Training, Fitness Playground, World Gym, EMF Fitness Centres, and more.


Our nutrition, training and fitness business online courses and workshops are created and operated by some of the leading subject matter experts in the world.


Our leadership team comprises entrepreneurs and commercial experts who have managed and grown some of the largest fitness brands worldwide.


Our global educator and course curriculum team contains 4 PhDs, gym owners and has 150+ years of experience as personal trainers, nutritionists & strength coaches.

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What Are The Best Courses of Clean Health?

1. Training the Female Athlete

Training the Female Fitness Model is the most female fat loss and strength-building course 100% online, created by world-renowned experts Hattie Boydle and Sebastian Oreb.

The curriculum blends science with practical coaching methods, helping you develop nutrition and training plans for women who want to take their physiques to new levels.

Training the Female Athlete is the leading online female fat loss and strength development course, helping you become an expert in female transformations

2. Building The Ultimate Squat for Personal Trainers

buy this course

Learn how to become a strength coach by mastering program design for the lower body today!

The #no1 System for Becoming an Expert Strength Coach

Designed by world-renowned PT, athlete and strength coach Sebastian Oreb, this online course gives you the tools you need to become an expert Strength Coach. Become an industry leader; and start creating new PBs for your clients starting today!

Building the Ultimate Squat for Personal Trainers

Online Strength Coaching Course

The course teaches you how to coach strength and conditioning methods by learning the latest science blended with practical, real-world coaching tools!

3. Performance PT Coach Certification

Master fat loss, hypertrophy and athletic performance results with your clients!

Do you want to help your clients lose fat, build muscle, and enhance athletic performance using the power of results-based program design?

Or maybe you want to level up your own results in the gym? If so, you’re in luck!

Taught over three information-packed levels, the Performance PT Coach (PPT) Certification is the most advanced program design certification available. In it, you’ll learn how to coach epic results with all clients, no matter their experience.

The curriculum blends the latest science with practical coaching methods to help you create transformative programs and master periodisation for fat loss, muscle building, sports performance or corrective exercise.

4. Male Transformation Specialist

Male Transformation Specialist is one of the most comprehensive fat loss and strength-building courses available online. Created specifically for training men and developing the male physique by world-renowned educator, athlete and entrepreneur, Jackson Peos (PhD).

The curriculum blends science with practical coaching methods, helping you develop nutrition and training plans for men who want to take their physiques to new levels.

5. Training The Physique Athlete

The No 1 Online Evidence Based Nutrition Certification program for personal trainers and fitness professionals!

Training the Physique Athlete was designed to give you a scientifically grounded, step by step process you can use to take a client from the initial consult all the way through to their event or photoshoot. You will learn how to design individualised, safe and results driven programs to create world leading results.

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